Sunday 13 January 2013

All the fun of the fair!

 The weather forecast was spot on, sunny start
 and snowy finish so in between we had lots of things to do.
 So after I finished frightening the locals clad in lyrca (that's yours truly clad in lycra, I didn't hunt down locals clad in lycra to to frighten them, although I was clad in lycra so technically I did, if you get my drift)and thawed out after a quick (yeah really) 28 miles on my racer (really it is but not when I'm on it) it was time to get the boys out and here is Will.I.Am and Chester with accompanying horse botherers who set out on an exped with yours truly in tow carrying little t
 along a well worn path that took us past the bees, who were very quiet, perhaps sensing that the weather was not bee friendly.
Little t was hanging out making life much more fun, we met some locals who were not sure we were local as little t was in a backpack, surely you must be holiday makers they cried as we reassured them we were harmless.
Once the fun and games were over real jobs had to be done, the most entertaining part of which was getting two pigs in a trailer for their final destination. While the fencing Jedi rearranged the universe to accommodate two unruly porkers, building a huge metal funneling device designed to guide the unwilling beasts to the trailer, yours truly missed the obvious arrangement of old gates, hurdles metal bedsteads and baler twine and with a blue bucket (full of new allure) walked pork the 100 yards to trailer where they trotted up the ramp(after waiting for me to drop it) and settled in for the ride. Smug with self congratulation I was about to take a standing ovation from the crowd when my beautiful and oh so patient wife quietly pointed out that the lil piggies still needed their ears tagged.

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