Friday 30 November 2012

No oil painting

 Apologies to those of a weak disposition but here is proof that Movember is over. No longer do I look like a fat cop extra on a 70s TV show, I have returned to normal (ahem) thanks to some deft razor action I am now devoid hairy hanger on. Offers of money for me to keep it a day longer fell on deaf ears and the second I got home, after saying hello to my beautiful and oh so patient wife, little t and the critters I took off to the bathroom and removed the most annoying facial hair ever. I raised about £97 for charity. So it was worth it in the end.
The 30 30 finished too. Out with a bang a new personal best lvl 18 cycle cross 18.6 km System of a Down Mesmerise
Monthly total 405 km

1 comment:

spiderlover said...

Tony you are much better off without it and although I have never sported a top-lip tickler (being female, not intentionally) I could well understand your delight in getting rid. Well done mate :)