Monday 12 November 2012

Its late

 It was cartoon dogs turn to cause bother again today. While newbie Ripley takes over the household Missy decided to go on manoeuvres and on a day where I absolutely without fail had to be at my desk on time, Missy put paid to that plan by sneaking off with Preston and raiding The Oracles dog food store where gallant Jess, and elderly border collie (say elderly, she is a mere whipper snapper compared to the 21 year old beagle) tried to alert the world that her bowl was being emptied by the raiders. Me in my bestest togs then faced with a dilemma, ignore dogs and drive to work risk dogs following Vic and getting squished, while this had its merit as a plan it might lead to trouble back at HQ if it became known that I had been so cavalier about the fate of my beautiful and oh so patient wife's number one birthday present. So with the aid of Vic I marshaled the mutley's back along the track where we were met by MBAOSPW who foolishly answered the phone and agreed to collect the beasts thus ensuring I was only late rather than very late.

Day 11 30 30 lvl 12 pacemaker 12.4km Made In America
                                    Day12 30 30 lvl 16 cycle cross 17.4 km U2 18

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