Monday 5 November 2012

Google it!

Not renowned for doing as they are told the pig club pigs took me completely by surprise by following me up the lane from the big pig pen and into the stable where they rooted through the fresh straw for the last apple chips and settled down for the night. It was all over so quickly that I didn't even have time to take a photo. If all goes as smoothly tomorrow the lucky pigs will board the express trailer to the celestial sty and come the weekend HQ will be knee deep in sausage.
I spotted this Land Rover in the cauldron at dusk. Its gone as far as it can, just in front is a series of huge boulders, to the left an uphill marsh and the right a fence and then a sharp fall. Once upon a time there was a drovers trail along there, and in almost living memory coal lorries used to wend their way along the track to the next cottage around the hill, but only in good weather, after a long dry spell, and usually in the daylight. Maps still show a track of sorts but it runs out in the swamp before starting again further on. The owner of this Landy was last seen trying reverse and heard shouting something about cheap sat navs.

Day 5 30 30 lvl 15 hill climb 12km Cheap Trick Live at the Budokan disc 1

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