Thursday 10 May 2012


With less than 40 hours to go before the annual man test of the BBMC I am acutely aware that my less than intensive training, which has been based more on mucking out than mucking about on the Bonsai Mountain, has not been as good as it should have been. Still I think I may have put more effort in than my walking partner this year who spent the run up to the event in a bar in Spain on an all inclusive holiday!
 The weather is really helping preparations for the BBMC 2012 challenge, we have thought about rowing around given the amazing amount of water that's fallen from the sky. Things are looking more hopeful though, a high pressure moving in and the weather forecaster has just said that we should get out and enjoy Saturday. He has no idea!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with it Tony. Have you got a specific charity this year, and are you going to post a link to it?


Anonymous said...

This might be a stupid idea, but since Thor likes to get out and walkabout. Could you use him or one of the goats and have your own litte hike ? It would be novel instead of paying for a person to see how far they would walk for charity, it would be a pig or goat. Good way to be different and get attention for your Kite program. Acourse people would think you are bonkers, but since it is for charity bonkers in a good sense.