My fault leaving it out only protected by armour plating. I had a minor seasonal panic as the piece of beef I bought would not fit the oven, it being the size of a small pony (the meat not the oven)With all the shelves out it just fitted, with the emergency turkey crammed it as well (just in case 9 kg of beef wouldn't feed 7 people) sardines have more leg room. This put paid to any ideas of roasting all veg etc but in the end we managed. He who cannot be named introduced Rock HQ to the delights of Hendrick G and T with a slice of cucumber and soon all culinary worries faded into insignificance in the quest for the perfect Hendricks.
People were far too generous with their gifts and a big thank you to all of you, highlights include little T getting his first proper walking boots, he has no choice, he will climb every mountain (his big sister climbed to within 500mtrs of the summit Mt Blanc aged 13, a tough act to follow) and hopefully I can keep up with his early challenges. Knowing that I am a repressed anorak Father Christmas brought me an airfix spitfire and as soon as I am allowed sharp craft knives and glue it will be assembled (unlike the collection of unmade kits in the workshop)
Dinner was finally placed in front of hungry guests and we made a bit of a dent in the beef. There was one space at the table though, Techno decided not to join us but was delivered a selection of the Christmas feast in the early evening. This was a highly entertaining venture as I had consumed more than my fair share of Hendricks and other concoctions, luckily Beth was a designated driver and chose to walk around the Bonsai Mountain with her dear old dad and stop him wandering off into the wilderness. Techno was happy to get a food parcel but has yet to move into his new lodgings. We got back in time for the cheese and port race, a vital part of the festive occasion, almost as traditional as the Queen's speech.

Little T had a definite favourite present. An envelope. Merry Christmas!
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