Perhaps it was Greg Lakes classic that suddenly evoked the festive feeling here at Rock HQ, or the sudden realisation that there are only 6 shopping days left to Christmas and while I pride myself at being able to get all Christmas shopping done Christmas Eve afternoon I bit the bullet and went shopping today. Needless to say this was an epic fail, I came back with only one present, but several useful items like a collection of organic beetroot, a tub of meal worms and a growing sense of anxiety that I am going to be very busy next Saturday afternoon. Still I did manage to buy a few items on line, again this ground to a halt when I realised that on one site I had bought 3 cds as presents, and 13 other I like and were bargains.

The festive feeling carried on with yours truly creating a work of art in fairy lights on the patio while my beautiful and oh so patient wife tried to be equally creative in the Christmas Cake department only slightly hampered by the fact that the Glace Cherries Fairy had been (the GCF will by right half empty any full tub of glace cherries left unguarded at eye level) I dressed up the apprentice smallholder as Rudolf and Roy wished it could be Christmas everyday. The fact that I got Hazel stuck sideways in the above lane thanks to a combination of dark, ice, mud and gravity failed to dampen my enthusiasm for all things merry. A grumpy Technohermit haranguing me over how I had got it all wrong and should have used a winch, yes a hand winch, to haul his Shepherd Hut up the hill almost took the shine off things and nearly led to him attending casualty to explain how such a big shed had got rammed up his jacksy sideways.

Unfortunately its a sad fact that not all of us are looking forward to Christmas (if such a concept existed for all things pork based) and some of us may find that they will be playing a bigger part that others, and for one or two it will take total commitment. But meantime keep eating.

There was one other thing.........
1 comment:
Sounds like loads of fun! Good luck with the christmas eve shop..you are braver than me! Merry christmas!
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