Monday 28 July 2008

While you were out!

This is the scene that greeted us as we got back from work tonight. Our lovely leafy lane has been vandalised by the electricity board. They have removed 50 metres of trees from one side of the lane including a huge beech tree. This is so it wont interfere with the electricity supply. Now we hadn't actually noticed any interference and the first we knew that this was taking place was when The Oracle told us as we got back that the electricity board were trimming trees in the area.

This is trimming! Goats cause less damage!

Now I am sure we will get used to the new panoramic view but its a bit much that people can turn up to your homestead and without a by or leave so drastically re arrange your environment. Its not as if it was done with any care, the far end there is still half a tree standing leaning right over our lane at a most precarious angle.

Hopefully there will be some good to come out of this, the wood that they cut will burn nicely once dried out and once I retrieve it from the field.

Lets hope our neighbour doesn't get it first!
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