Tuesday 1 July 2008

Walking with William

I have just got in from walking with William, who it appears is the biggest fly magnet in the history of the world. Without resorting to hyperbole there were at least a million buzzing around us, some as big as flip flops and all intent on exploring and taking chunks out of this tasty equine feast and his human companion.

However having this annoying cloud of biting insects accompanying us as we circumnavigated the hill failed to detract from the simple pleasure of plodding along with a fantastic horse. He sees me as herd leader and so dutifully walked either alongside or one half pace behind.

Had he walked a full pace behind he might have saved painfully treading on my heels every other step, but at least he has given up trying to push me off the track and into the gorse bushes. He accepts I am boss, unless Tracey is around and then he sees her as boss.


Hes a smart cookie this one.

We had a brief stop at Five Ways Crossing, pictured here, it really is a wonderful view across the Herefordshire countryside, before turning off and heading back into Wales. We caught sight of Mad Keith, but he didn't want to talk today and hid, not very well as we could see him but we didnt let on in case he got upset and put us in one of his spare pits. We also found our two mental Suffolk sheep, Molly and April who galloped off down sheep skull lane the second they recognised me. Poor beasts must be suffering from the heat as they have evaded capture and shearing, therefore they still have a years worth of fleece on their backs. It should start to drop off soon.

Bill is still missing, there are very few sheep on the hills at the moment so he might be pie now, poor Bill.

Back at the ranch William was turned out in the field to cool off and refresh himself.

I returned to the cottage for my own refreshments. A nice supper of new potatoes, Rock HQ quiche and a bean salad. And a very cold cider. I am a lucky man.

The only fly in the ointment, its now pouring with rain and William is still outside.

Quiet evenings, who needs them!
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