Sunday 6 July 2008

A pigs breakfast

We took some time this weekend to get the pigs used to our company. If we are as planned going to keep one pig it has to be the friendliest pig possible. The one closest to the camera is Gerty who is the largest and lead pig, definitely in charge of the group. She is an excellent Berkshire pig, and seems to be getting the most tame so she may stay instead of Tiny who is actually tiny and the most highly strung of the bunch.

All our animals have a good life here, we try to make it as stress free and as enjoyable as possible for them. People often ask how can we get so close to animals and then eat them. What we set out to do here was make sure we knew where our food came from , especially our meat, and so what we eat has been produced in a humane way with Tracey and I totally committed to their welfare. We value their lives and make sure the animals that are produced for meat have a happy if somewhat short life.

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