Sunday 16 March 2014

The moment of truth

 Once boring stuff had been done round the plot today saw yours truly attempt the next stage of the Swiss Chalet Style Kennel Block, the construction of the roof thingys. Trusses apparently. Having consulted experts in the field who each advised something completely different and used arcane language like "Kings" and "Purlings" I decided to do whats always best and Google it.
 Having been advised from any number of trusses ranging from 10 to 5 I decided on 7 as the equation google provided to work it out accurately was far too boring and once I decided on purlings (whatever they are) instead of sheet cladding to hold the trusses apart I cracked on with the chosen number as now purlings meant spacing to accommodate boarding was redundant. Unfortunately the DIY roof kit was provided by someone who advised 10 trusses but omitted to include enough heavy metal to reinforce every joint front and back so 3 are super duper plated and four are one side only but reinforced with a 5 inch screw to stop it ever slipping.
 By midday I was flying along, once the first was made it was a simple task of copying all parts and angles and Eve made slight work of the many lazer guided cuts and so all seven were ready for erection.
 The moment of truth arrived with yours truly offering up a truss to gravity and finding there was a slight technical error. Yours truly has always wanted to be taller, and today I could have done with being at least a metre taller and with four hands. I should also have sprouted a plethora of 5 inch screws to secure the pointy bits to the flat bits. I have a multitude of brackets to do that task but the addition of large screws can only add to the weight hence stop the building blowing away.
Defeated I abandoned task for the day and went to play dams in the stream with the apprentice smallholder, I mean reconnect the water supply to the animals.

1 comment:

Andy in Germany said...

Many time I'm convinced I'm too short to be a carpenter, so I sympathise. In fact I've considered making a Toolbox I can use as a step for my exam piece.

I'm following the build with interest, stealing ideas as I go...