Tuesday 11 March 2014

Springtime blues

 You know its spring when the lambs arrive and despite us not actually wanting any this year Daffodil obliged by producing this bonny lad first light. All was well in the world
 flowers are springing up, birds were singing, the sky turned blue and the bonny lamb lay in the sunshine while I went to work and planned an exciting year for our trainee lamb chops.
 After hearing the words, shes an experienced mum, what could possibly go wrong, the small gods of smallholding conspired to produce a really unexpected disaster and by home time the bonny lad had expired. Up in the bramble patch where he had been born he had lay down for a snooze, so had Daffodil, and in the way only sheep can self harm she rolled on him and squashed him flat.
 Having had an unexpected delivery in the morning we got our expected one in the afternoon, all the bits required to make a roof for the Swiss Chalet Style Kennel Block. This K9 palace with en-suite facilities for all accommodated is taking further shape with door frames fitted to four berths. Darkness fell, as did the temperature, so I retreated indoors to a warm welcome from Rug Rat MkII and the apprentice smallholder.
Rug Rat MkII with his favourite cuddly, a Jellycat dog called Douglas.

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