Thursday 28 November 2013

Room for improvement

 Yesterday I was a bit flustered when I took a phone call asking if I knew where a meeting (the real alternative to work) was to take place at 10am. This threw me into a lfat spin as as far as I was concerned the meeting was not as the caller suggested which was at the time today ( now yesterday) but tomorrow (now today) After several are you sure's and you need to check because if its today I am going to be really really late etc etc both of us resolved to check and get back to each other.
Me being used to smarter working had a leisurely 2nd cuppa and waited for the phone to ring again and when it did  was reassuringly told that I had not got it wrong the meeting was indeed tomorrow (today, but it might be yesterday by the time you read this) anyway, I was right, my diary was right, I was not expected at a meeting that day at 10am.
 So did I know where the meeting was my caller inquired, no sorry I was unable to help, but I did know the date and the time, which was not 10am but 10.30 I happily informed geographically challenged colleague. Great, thanks, see you there then (where?) and so this brings us neatly to today.
By 9.30 am I still did not know where the meeting was to take place, although I did know time, date and city. So after several fruitless phone calls, one to the organiser of the meeting who's answer machine told me she was not working and to call such and such. So I did, and their answer machine told me that they were unavailable (and to me it seemed most unlikely that the parks department would be involved in this meeting and it was their answer machine talking to me) and to phone A.N.Other so I ignored that waste of time and set off after sending a text message to my day before's caller (keep up!)
As I drove the 24 miles to destination unknown I had several missed calls which I fastidiously ignored as I had been quite specific in my text, I was driving, text me the location. I opted for a car park in the centre of the city and hoped that wherever I was supposed to be would be city centre and walking distance rather than outskirts and late arrival. Picked up voicemail, meeting to be held at Townhall (we are a city but we are soooo modest about it) see you there. The Townhall is quite big, so I now had the building but no room, but hey we are on the right track!
I was 500 yards away and once in the building found that meeting was being held on the third floor (obviously!) and after a quick (ahem) sprint (yeah right) uphill I made it on time where a dozen or so of my colleagues awaited my arrival. Inside we got down to the business of the day and spent several hours talking about the lack of progress etc until I got distracted by the surroundings, especially the Light Infantry flags hanging around.
The agenda of the meeting?
How to improve Inter-agency communication.
Based on this meeting's organisation there is room for improvement.

1 comment:

Jeremy Fisher said...

No surprise there then!!