Wednesday 27 November 2013

Breakfast bar

Chester and Alana sharing breakfast, without the rampaging Ryelands for once. They have discovered the windfall apples at the Ghost House so are stuffing themselves there. Its quite peaceful in the mornings for a change.
Those who pop over to the training blog will see that there has been a distinct lack of effort the last week, actually there are a few sessions to record but its been a hectic week so minimal time has meant minimal effort and then there'e the slight issue of one leg being longer than the other, a discrepancy spotted when I was Agnesed the other day. The mighty Osteopath quickly found that the cause of my acute pain in right hip was due to a bit of an imbalance in leg length caused by either excessive running, leg cocking (as in over bike frame, gates) but more likely due to stupid amounts of pedal pressing while driving in city rush our traffic. My pelvis compensated by tilting and so one leg longer than the other, in lay terms. This also explained why all of a sudden my right shoe was stubbing my toes as I was walking funny. A quick over the shoulder throw onto the treatment table and a big stretch and all was well in my world. Which is why I went and did a hill drills training session tonight on the bike. Cars. Bad for you in so many ways.

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