Tuesday 30 April 2013


 The best part of today, a day which was spent revisiting decisions made at meetings held, unheld and upheld and now not acted on until a meeting in two days time, was spent on this ridge preparing for the BBMC, the location of which is the dark smudge on the skyline on the extreme right. With me were two of the Dolyhir clan, Rocky and Reba, and as the start of tonight's epic trek began and ended in town (not outside the chip shop ahem!) it was a pleasant reminder of how unusual Bernese Mountain Dogs are and the reaction they cause when in public. Theres no point trying to make progress as any progress made through town is inevitably interrupted by Joe Public ooohing and aaahing and wanting to pat doggy and asking SFQ's like what do they eat, bet they cost a lot to feed, what are they St Bernards? and a new one tonight from some nutter who at the end of our walk as we sat not eating chips outside the chip shop, asking if they were twins. He wouldn't accept the explanation that this was how they look (see dog blog) and insisted that they were from the same litter so we left him to drain the dregs from his can of Special Brew so he could argue with his dubious meat pie in peace.
Little t practicing for his own BBMC challenge. Hes planning to do his own circuit of the Bonsai Mountain.

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