Saturday 2 March 2013

The wanderers return

 It was another fine day once the low cloud departed and in the sun it was almost spring like. On the dark side of the smallholding where yours truly was trying to clear several tons of mud by hand (well shovel) it was bitterly cold and distinctly unpleasant.
 Highlights of the day included Spotty, a particularly mental Bernese Mountain dog, running off up the Bonsai Mountain with the black plastic pipe that connects the blue plastic pipe to the black water tank. The resulting gap meant a trillion gallons of icy water running into my chosen work space and the black tank emptying down the lane. How we laughed.
 On the plus side the fences are still upright and working, the sows are still separate from the sex maniac called Thor so remain unpregnant, the feed bill has reduced by 75% now the pig population has reduced by 99% and the chickens are ready for their trip to Mr Whirlpool once we make room by moving the last pig club pork to its owner. Eva still produces unhygienic milk but we are almost at the point where it will be fit for human consumption, she having stopped trying to kill me now the sound system has been restored and Marillion can be played whilst goat fighting milking takes place.
Bulbs are showing, Daffs are almost open and finally the frogs have returned to the pond. They are late, usually they arrive for the annual love in on or around Valentines day. I was concerned that they would not show this year with the freakish weather we have had they may have found better swamps to live in. I don't know why they are late, maybe the fences confused them.

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