Sunday 30 September 2012

Say Hello, wave goodbye

 A cooling his hooves in the stable overnight Trevor our shitland pony was put in pony bondage gear and together we set out across the ridge to his new maximum security paddock on the edge of civilisation. For the most part he behaved on the trek over, if hanging back, dawdling, acting like a dead weight on the end of the rope, counts as behaving. Then as if by magic he discovered the use of his legs when we reached the summit and there before him was the herd of ponies he had been running with. He tried his best to call them over, he failed but did summon two joggers who thought horse murders were being committed.
 Eventually we met up with his new carers, who also located us thanks to Trevor's sonic attack, and we walked sedately down to his pastures new. My beautiful and oh so patient wife arrived with little t, Trevor was welcomed and by the time you read this I am pretty sure he will have plaited mane, red hooves and bows to compliment his Tina Turner highlights on every appendage a la My Little Pony (revenge is mine!)
Little t met a dog that was smaller than him for a change! So Trevor is safe in his new lair and will stay until he has worn out his welcome and they beg for us to take him back and leave something more cuddley, like a Kimono Dragon.

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