Tuesday 10 May 2011

Late turn

We had guests at Rock HQ this PM which meant the evening routine was put on hold until much later, and in turn training for the BBMC (which is this weekend and seemed like such a good idea at the time!) was scaled down and happened just before sunset. The reward for going was seeing the white Hawthorne blossoms on the north slopes of Hergest.
Its been a funny day, Hetty running free with the Ryelands was the funniest. Trevor the pocket rocket is still playing Johnny big potatoes being the only intact male equine and so chased Hetty with a view to creating a new species. Hetty being sensible took exception to the amorous intent of the randy pint sized pony and having already demonstrated a capacity to jump fences made short work of the log pile which was the barrier between her, freedom and joining the little flockers in the lane. She was tempted back eventually, but only when Trevor was shut away. He later got out and vented his spleen on our very ancient beagle Preston who suddenly found himself focus of attention and narrowly missed hoof prints in the forehead. Misty now looks massive and we are certain she is pregnant, question is when.

The authenticity of these pigs was questioned at work, my colleagues accuse me of editing photos and making a pig look like a sheep. I can assure everyone that these are real pigs and I lack the talent or imagination to create such a creature. Now, have I told you about Tigger-Pig? Well wait and see:)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I JUST LOVE THESE PIGS!!! I found them by chance because I have a gorgeous Hungarian Kuvasz, and I seem to love anything Hungarian. So, by chance, I keyed in "Hungarian pigs" and, viol`a here came what I call "The Welcoming Committee"! (The one in the middle i nicknamed "Martha" for personal reasons.)
I can't even imagine being able to prepare these for eating (cant say those two necessary words that would get them there!)If they are anything like all the other Hungarians I have known, they are really great creatures.
Long live the Hungarians!