Friday 4 September 2009

Root of all evil!

More extreme smallholding today. Sensible types would get a man with a digger to remove the tons of rock, dirt and tree roots that once was a decorative holly tree. If only those that owned Rock HQ previously had cut this git of a tree down years ago it wouldn't pose such a difficult problem today. The tree has split, grown several new trunks and grown a root ball several feet high and incorporating an old rock wall. As we are not sensible types and the budget for the new build is tight we decided not to spend the money on a man with a digger but save it for essentials, like a new pony, and instead attack the monster tree with whatever felt right.
So far we have used two saws, a spade, a hand axe, a large sledge hammer, a crowbar, a trowel, a large axe, another saw and bare hands. During this assault a hen decided that this was the exact spot to lay an egg. Work did not stop while she squeezed out my breakfast.
By the end of play it was technically a draw. Half the root remains. Tomorrow, arms permitting the assault continues. We will win. Trevor will be pleased.
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