Sunday 16 August 2009


The smallholding has been run today by Tracey who allowed me to feel sorry for myself and wander around sniffling and moaning about life the universe and everything as man flu wreaks havoc with my mood. I manfully took on the pig feeding as I didn't want her to be eaten. As per usual when Tracey is running things the day went very smoothly, she even spotted this young horse trying to escape. He was tethered by the remains of the bale and had obviously had a nice time, seen here looking very relaxed, but felt the urge to wander off. Somehow he managed to untie himself and just as Tracey was sat having a well earned cuppa she saw the top of his head go past the window as he set off down the lane. His tether trailing on the floor Tracey crept up behind him and took hold of the naughty horse leading him back to his field. Sprung!

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