Saturday 4 May 2013

Little things

 Yesterday's "run" around the Bonsai Mountain meant that today was spent walking, aka hobbling, slower than our very ancient beagle, Preston. As spinning was cancelled and the good weather failed to materialise we sheltered from the rain at the garden centre where hope overcame experience and we returned to HQ with Miranda looking like an offroad terrarium stuffed with alpines, tomatoes, peppers, squashes and much more all destined to be trampled under paw by an assortment on non garden type canines.
 Back at the ranch the leg muscles still refused to operate without making the operator yelp so I busied myself with little things like checking the nesting boxes in the aviary, Bengalese finches have hatched but somehow I don't think
 the canaries who have laid in the feed cup will be as successful.
 I also gave little t a master class in arm folding, hes not quite got the hang of it, but he will.
 Sun came out very late PM, not warm enough for a barby but warm and dry enough to
begin the get the rabbits out of the kitchen project or build a rabbit hutch.


Andy in Germany said...

I commend you on your choice of drill: metabo is based near my college and used by many carpenters locally.

Anonymous said...

It's a Makita.