Thursday 23 May 2013

Just like old times

 Its been a while but Trevor the little shitland is up to his Houdini tricks again. I saw him last thing Tuesday night up at Five Ways trying to persuade little Misty to escape into the wilderness. I should have dragged him back then but as I was armed with four Bernese Mountain Dogs and no horse bondage gear I left Misty to lure him back.
 Wednesday morning he was not at the breakfast table, Misty must have been less appealing than the ponies on the ridge. Knowing what a nuisance he can be even without his family jewels I set off after work onto the ridge from the town side and pretty soon found the little beast. Obviously he wasn't with the lovely bunch sunning themselves by the monkey puzzle trees, no he was right off in the distance goading me into following. So I did.
 At this point in the story being brighter than the average shitland I took him by surprise and soon he was trussed like a spring chicken and being wrestled home. So happy with my horse capture was I that I text messaged my beautiful and oh so patient wife that we were on our way. Until we crossed a stream some half mile from Rock HQ. In one of those moments that you can see your future I stepped across and thought that that was definitely a mistake as should the little shitland stop instead of cross his Heath Robinson head collar made from a lead rope and dog lead might just come off.
He stopped.
It did.
We exchanged glances, mine of horror, his of triumph. With a massive (from a small pony) whinny which roughly translated meant "So long sucker" he cantered off back the way we had came.
 For the next two and half hours I tracked, followed, cursed, begged and concocted all sorts of recipes but to no avail. Trevor doesn't have a better side so he enjoyed the massive amount of ground covered, so much so that he performed a victory roll.
Eventually I had to concede defeat and left him with his new love and took myself off home to phone Findus to see if they had any space left in their lasagna.

1 comment:

Jeremy Fisher said...

Is this some sort of specifically Herefordshire pastime?
Firstly, acquire an animal of absolutely no use to man nor beast, then spend considerable amounts of the hard earned on feeding it and keeping it relatively healthy, then spend a significant amount of your valuable free time pursuing it round the countryside at great risk to life and limb.
Solution: keep the rabbit, lose the hoss!