Friday 3 May 2013

Just landed

Rock HQ has a new love interest, Juliet has just landed from the lands of the militia far far away. We are hoping that her presence will persuade Laurel and Hardy from buggering off so often. Mind you having witnessed the effort put into catching her (the advert read tame) where a fat man (not me) ran across the field with a large butterfly net to catch Juliet who on capture made her disquiet known by trying to tear his face off, and when he finally subdued her in a hessian sack handed her over with the reassuring advice "For Gods sake don't let her out you'll never get her back" we now know that both peahen and peahen vendor are as mad as a box of frogs on a tin roof in the midday sun. Juliet is now safe in the goat house along with Hardy while Laurel watches enviously from the outside.

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