Monday 27 September 2010

Start the clock

Laverne and Shirley, our two Berkshire gilts have been the least trouble pigs we have ever kept. They have resolutely refused to run through fences, dig tunnels, bite, escape or engage in any sort of anti social pig behaviour that we have become accustomed to at Rock HQ. There have been no major excavations suddenly appearing in the lawn, no pig like shapes wallowing in the pond and certainly no pig and run raids on the feed bins. Unlike their predecessors who routinely engaged in all of these activities, sometimes all in the same day.
The difference the new pig pen has made has been huge. The fence has contained them while they have eaten enough to make them very meaty. The fence incidentally is not cow proof as Hetty has jumped it several times to get amongst the pigs and share their breakfasts. As she is armed and ever so slightly bigger than her they have opted to share their bounty. They have learned to sit and be hand fed apples and nuts and they rollover for a good tummy tickle. Unfortunately for them all this good behaviour has not helped them achieve pet status and the clock has begun the countdown to the next sausage and bacon bonanza.

Remember when we publish a collage you can click on it to make it larger.
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