Monday 5 October 2009

With a little help from our friends

Work at Rock HQ has really gathered momentum, helped along as ever by friends and a judicious use of power tools. After feeling so downhearted at the carryings on of the human race last week faith has been restored by friends rallying around and helping out as much as they can. Steve the electrician, Mr 20% and the Stable Sprites Clan all helped put things in perspective and more importantly contributed to the smooth running of this smallholding.

A surprise visit from our friends the microholders meant that A) we established that not all people are self obsessed B) he is a better fencer than I as he, and she, helped erect two sides of foxproof fencing for the new chicken pen and C) they sold me the second best piece of beef I have ever eaten. Nothing can ever surpass the Dexter beef we had a while ago, but this Herefordshire grass fed beef was sublime.

So life on the rock face goes on, three massive projects on the go, nights drawing in and working full time means sometimes the progress is slower than hoped but we do have some light at the end of the tunnel.

What is really going to help is the purchase of two new power tools from ebay, a chainsaw and a petrol hedge trimmer. In my head I have already felled forests and cleared the hill of the dreaded gorse bushes.

Another piece of news which is really bitter sweet is that Spot, aka Rocky may be coming back to be reunited with his parents Rocky and Reba. More on that one on the Dolyhir site linked in the margin.
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