Thursday 2 October 2008

Sucking on a horse sized pill!

You need moments like these sometimes when smallholding, Apollo attacking his new horse lick treat, aniseed flavour this time. I don't know how long they are supposed to last, William's has lasted nearly three weeks, this greedy foal got through his last one overnight! By the looks he intends to finish this one in record time too.

It cheered me up no end watching him, driving away the dark thoughts I have towards the foxes on the hill. At the start of the year we had around 70 poultry, a mixed up bunch of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens and Bantams. As I posted last nights episode of life on the rock face I went out to put our birds away and found we were deficit one goose and one hen. That means this week we have lost two cockerels, one hen and a goose, one of the very geese I risked life and limb fetching from the hill in darkness Tuesday night.

We now have 9 hens, 4 ducks, 2 geese and three cockerels, and most are now shut in the goat house where they are safe from predation. They might not be so happy but at least they will live.

Unlike the fox should he ever cross my path.

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