Sunday 17 August 2008

What a wonderful world

Yesterday was miserable, truly miserable. The evening rounds feeding the animals was without doubt done in the worst weather we have had since being here. Yet today is completely different, and when you see something as perfect as this butterfly on the Buddleia in the garden you really don't mind how horrible it can be, the world is full of beauty.
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jane smith said...

Hi Tony. You are so right about the appearance of something as beautiful and perfect as a butterfly on a miserable day making the world seem a wonderful place. It was a similar story here yesterday after we'd visited my daughter and son-in-law with their perfect new baby girl Olivia who was born at home yesterday morning.

Tony said...

Hi Jane, Thats fantastic news, a new life, Tracey and I wish her health and happiness for all time. Can't match that news but we have new chicks hatching as I type, Olivia is a lovely name. I shall name a hen as a tribute :) a pet one obviously, and one thats fox proof. Thank your clever daughter and son in law for providing the next generation of fans for Tales From The Rock!
Best wishes

Tony and Tracey

jane smith said...

Tony and Tracey, Thanks for your kind offer to name a hen after our new grandaughter...a real twist of irony as we named our daughter Jemima after a very famous duck!