The camera gremlins have been evicted, well and truly. The poor shop manager who really hoped he had seen the last of me and my SOHF when he gave me a brand new version a few months back was super helpful when I explained that the new one was as good as the old one, useless. I was instantly invited to choose a different make and so have a Nikon to break now. In fact two Nikons as I was given a DSLR as a present and have the pocket version to us day to day.

Exciting photo opportunities are everywhere at HQ, so here are a few of the spare tyres left by a generous donor for our green house project. Not looking forward to the inflating them with dirt part of the plan and I now realise I should have specified they should all be the same size, however these will all be put to use, eventually.

The equine members of the gang have taken to the new concrete floor in the Corral OK, if taking to it means avoiding at all cost. They can be found everywhere except stood on the hard stuff. This includes on top of the mountain of gravel, back in the mud or balancing on the well top. Misty has tried to help clear up the mud by wearing it.
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