Thursday, 4 November 2010

Pig Out!

The weather forced most of our critters to seek shelter today so the smallholding was unusually quiet, apart from the howling gale, rain lashing the windows and the panting of dogs confined to barracks. Geisha and Ambrose took the sensible option and hid in one of the stables.
The keep your head down low key approach favoured by all today was overlooked by the pigs, who stared in wonder as the gale blew the barn door open, and being intelligent animals managed to work out that opportunities like this only come round now and then, and despite the rain this was a chance to good to miss. So they set out on a mission. First point of call, finding most of the veg already consumed by Lavern on her rampage a couple of days ago, was the barbq which they vandalised, demonstrating excellent forward planning.
The gate, lawn and dogs were all given the Berkshire treatment until they were headed off at the pass in an attempt to access the helipad and enter the cottage. They are currently barricaded back in the barn, no doubt plotting, but definitely happy having consumed the windfalls from 5 apple trees. Above the noise of the wind, if you listen carefully you can hear them snore, and a there is a very different sound, which is certainly wind, probably not gale force, but deadly.
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