Monday 6 April 2015

Such Fun!

 This being the last day of the Easter break the jobs list still loomed large over Rock HQ, and despite the glorious weather and yours truly still suffering the ravages of a cold and conjunctivitis, some jobs needed doing, like clearing up the horse doings.
Now a sound not normally associated with mucking out a full stable is that of human sobbing (unless its my own) so I was very surprised to find myself having to console a four year old who was upset, and I kid ye not, at his father having "all the fun" and that "I should share Daddy" as "Mummy promised I could have a go!"
Not one to want to cause unnecessary trauma to my offspring I succumbed to his request but as I handed him the shovel that was a tad larger than he, I pointed out that it wasn't as much fun as he thought it was, I didn't mind sharing and that when he is a teen I shall remind him of the time he cried to help rather than me crying because he wont.

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