Wednesday 15 October 2014

Heidi strikes again

Beneath a photo that has no relevance to the tale other than it depicts the sofa in question its time to recount Heidi's latest escapade. Heidi is Rock HQ's pet spook, poltergeist, ghost, whatever, and so called due to her (its) panache for hiding items. Never malicious, and perhaps the missing items absence might be explained by yours truly's inadequacy at remembering, except the missing items reappear, usually where they were supposed to be and blatant by their sudden presence. Having studied, and still studying, memory processes and the like I know the majority of tricks used to recall so again I can be quite sure Heidi is real, especially given the latest stunt.
Lets ignore the simple ones like missing keys suddenly appearing centre stage of an empty table after the house has been turned upside down looking for them (pre mobile toddler so doubting Thomas read on) a passport not where it should have been, but then was some days later, or the bizarre situation where we went without coffee for two days as we had none and then the coffee caddy was full, instead focus on the latest.
The TV remote, often missing, often found, gone for days at a time, found in toy boxes, down sofas and once in a suitcase on holiday as the apprentice thought we would need it on holiday. TV remote had been missing for weeks, so long in fact that I was on the point of buying a replacement. Again.
New copy of Outdoor Fitness magazine arrives and as ever yours truly reads the best bits and sticks magazine anywhere handy. In this case on back of sofa. 24 hours pass. Sudden recollection of article in magazine, must read it, where is magazine. Everyone has gone to bed, I stand alone in living room trying to remember what I did with magazine, my beautiful and oh so patient wife who follows me clearing my detritus out of the way had not placed in corner in pile of current magazines. Deep thought recalls placing it on sofa, so it must have fallen down the back, quick shove to one side reveals new magazine front cover side up between wall and sofa. There placed on top was the TV remote. Aha you cry, toddler placed it there, no, no toddler present, and anyway toddlers love pressing remote buttons so its presence is identified as rapidly as the changing channels or increasing volume. Then it must have been on the back of the sofa and the magazine dislodged it and in some anomaly of physics landed on top of magazine. That explanation has some credibility save for the fact the sofa had been moved the day before to accommodate window fitters and their chaos. So lacking possible explanations we have to seek impossible ones (cheers Holmes) and that's Heidi.
And anyway who's reality is this anyway, mine.

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