Monday 26 May 2014

Not going to plan

 With only 6 days to go before the biggest solo bike ride yours truly has ever attempted my "training" should be ramping down. That is to say do less before the big event. But as do less than virtually none would be a bad thing then this last week was destined to be a series of intense sessions designed to  test and build on muscle mass. As can be seen from above pic things have not gone to plan today (for a change) and less time was spent training than sleeping. By the time I woke up only 40 minutes was spent on hill drills, again, not long enough to build up the endurance necessary for 300km non stop, but enough to assuage the guilt created by eating cheese on toast instead of a more waistline friendly lunch.
 Other things not gone right today. No time was spent gardening although Gerry did have a go at weeding for us.
 No time was spent on the redesign of the Swiss Style Kennel Block, or on the new fence around the garden.
Meanwhile Elf was spending time trying to figure out how to get into the rafters!

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