Wednesday 26 August 2015

Day 3

A spectacular sunrise over Ardentigh
and the day began with another
full NATO as rations were going to be sparce later in the day/week.
Exercise of the day was a quick tab over to Tarbert and around to Swordlands
and it was here we saw signs letting us know exactly how wild it is up here.
Once again views were on hand everywhere
and opportunity  for messing about many. Here I am in Loch Morar with Mrs Bear cooling off our paws.
Just as well as the day got very hot
while we explored the wilderness in search of even more views (and to keep moving away from the midges)
The beach barbque finished the excellent day off and had the beach not been so sloped I would have pitched on it to tick another off the bucket list, but here is pretty close, the flat (only flat) bit of ground at the edge. I very restful night under canvas with a midge infested dog.

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