Thursday 26 September 2013

Bravery award

Things are quieter than usual at Rock HQ, quiet as in volume, not amount of to-ings and fro-ing, this is due to the arrival of new rug rat who's every needs are being met 24/7 just in case he explodes. So when a number of Bernese Mountain Dogs began barking early evening, just when new rug rat had been diffused, their usually very tolerant of all things canine (except ancient bin raiders) owners took exception to the cacophony and words were had, albeit through a closed door, they being in the conservatory and we being alpha types so in charge of the lounge. As noise failed to subside my beautiful and oh so patient wife opened the front door to further remonstrate with recalcitrant Bernese. I, playing the part of chef at the time knew that my culinary experiments would have to cease when I heard the following. "They are barking at the goats. Can you come and get the goats out of the conservatory" There piled up at one end of the conservatory in desperate attempts to get as much space between them and goat were some very brave Berners while stood in the front doorway of the cottage looking entirely non-plussed were two very scary goats. Brave dogs these Berners.

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