Monday 1 May 2023

A bit of a bad one

The worst thing about returning from a camping trip is usually sorting all the wet kit out, and this time there was a lot of wet kit, but today was different as Orla, above, died. She just ate her dinner last night, sang with the choir and then went to sleep eternal. Not a bad way to go. 
So the wet kit, got a bit dryer. 
ready for the next downpour.
The bouncy castle needed a dry out and clean
so while the kids got on with finishing the camping leftovers 
yours truly dug a huge hole and created a cairn over Orla
The clan said goodbye 
as she left us to join the clan over the rainbow bridge. 
Back in the cottage Quinn fancied his chances of sleeping upstairs. Denied. 
Easter egg hunt tomorrow. 

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