Monday 30 November 2015

Thinking time

 So, dissertation finished, save for editing and finishing it, and pups making it through another night with yours truly sleeping vigil next to whelping box, things look like they might return to normal (whatever version of reality that is) pretty soon and I should have what's known as "time on my hands" post Friday which is dissertation delivery day.
 As it was a clear morn, one where the moon hangs about waiting for the sunrise, which didn't happen while we were topside, some thinking time was spent with the demi clan about what the future holds.
 Definite is a year out from study.
 So I can spend more time doing smallholding.
 Which was why we moved here in the first place.
 Some big projects are planned for next year including building a huge 4 berth stable which will be L shaped just to make it more of a challenge to someone who has yet to master all things carpentry.
 Then there is the massive man test, a three day event involving a 480 mile bike ride and three big mountains.
 Plus whatever else come my way.
 Which today was a massive amount of horse pooh to be cleared from the runway, made all the more fun thanks to torrential rain, gale force winds and a
 stroppy mare who gave every impression of being pregnant, which she's not. Hopefully not anyway. Knowing out luck she will be.
An indicator of how bad the weather was, the Rampaging Ryelands took cover rather than steal food from the other critters.

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