Tuesday 9 June 2015

Spoiler alert! Not a happy ending in sight.

 This is the usual scene at Rock HQ, Berners adorning free space, Reba the Dolyhir Clan matriarch is on the sofa in a typically relaxed pose. This was taken just over a week ago and our lodger Mr Bo Jangles and Rosie are equally chilled out.
 Reba with her enormous windmill tail in the sun the following day after a quick ascent of the Bonsai Mountain. She was not her usual self, slower and kept stopping to squat for a pee. So we went to see the V E T who diagnosed Cystitis and took blood samples to look for anything more sinister, like kidney disease or cancer.
 Thankfully the blood tests were clear and Reba responded well to the medication and plates of scrambled eggs, one of her favourites.
 So here we are on the 3rd of June, top of her game, watching the clan messing about in the morning sun. Being the matriarch she is above such tomfoolery so she stands by me while her life long mate Rocky, her son Spotty, daughters Bliss and Woozah and grand daughter Rippers frolic about the mountain.
 A great girl, gentle, kind and mum to 21 and grandmother to about 30, she's a happy dog.
 Two days later, 5 June she's squatting every ten minutes and unable to pee so back to the V E T to fnd out what's wrong. As we get there something bad happens and she pees blood all over the reception area and when we are in the consulting room this continues. Despite reassurances from the V E T this is not a good scenario and Reba is rushed to the x ray room, sedated and checked over.
 It doesn't get much worse than this. The x ray showed her bladder was a tumorous mass, this was why she could not pee and why she kept trying to. There was no hope, no surgery, no tablets, no miracle cure just the knowledge that the kindest thing to do was to let her go over the rainbow bridge to join the others. Ritchie would be happy to see his grandmother and Aunt Montana would love to run round with her old play mate. So I held her and shared her last breath telling her how great she was while the V E T put her to sleep.
And so she sleeps.
Goodbye Reba.
Sorely missed.
Never ever forgotten.


Cadbury said...

Crying tears for you all, I cant believe the hard times you are all being put through!

At least Reba can run free, pain free with all your lost souls over Rainbow bridge.

Cadbury & Maverick sends woofs and licks x

Anonymous said...

I don't come on here very often these days Tony, but just read this and my heart goes out to you. If you remember we first met shortly after I lost dear old Max and it was your lot, including Reba that helped more than you knew at the time.

Chin up old boy.


Tony said...

Thanks Cadbury, and JJ good to hear from you again:)

Fizz said...

Sweet dreams mum