Wednesday 4 November 2020

no records broken...or bones

In my effort to shed a small persons weight in body mass/fat the lets run 10km every sunday morning is in its 3rd week and as storm Aiden was making its presence felt a slow time was on the clock so I thought I might as well do something different and "run" up Stanner Rocks.
Run turned into a painful stagger at points but far quicker than I had envisaged yours truly was 3.5 miles away from home and on the top
of a very pointy hill with great views, well worth the effort. Now to get down involved traversing an equally steep section which thanks to the amount of rain was a tad damp
and slippy. Here we see the groove cut by my feet as they gave up any pretence of grip, the big crater at the end was my backside, so no real damage done. 
10k later, more money raised for charity and hes happy, nasty big hill in the background. 
Next week a different day, better weather, less hills, no falling . 
Not many people run this way but Ill take that ward while its there. 

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