Saturday 22 August 2020

Top of the Welsh World

Working through the bucket list the boys wanted camping and a Snowdon summit.
Faced with a less than optimal weather forecast we set off in the hope of finding a weather window that would allow us to summit and get a view while remaining dry and good humoured. The camp sites were operating in Covid 19 rules but we found a good site albeit in the wrong valley. Stan was pressganged into service as a cooking aid
while rug rat MK2 ignored parental advice and duly fell head first into the stream.
Good moods soon returned as we cooked hot food and toasted marshmallows swapping jokes and stories
before the young ones turned in and the older ones sat by the fire pit, braved the midges and had a grown up cordial.
Early doors presented a nice surprise, the sun was clearly trying to break through the fog and low cloud.
A short drive and we were at the jump off point. The Police are very keen of parking at the present time, loads of cars getting towed away as lockdown weary folk trek up the big hill. Local knowledge from previous record attempts led us to our usual quiet spot only to find about a dozen other cars had already found it. 
However it did look like we might make it to the summit in clear weather and the boys were very excited.
Especially when they spotted the inappropriately named halfway cafe was open and selling slush puppies. 
Fuelled with brain freeze and sugar coated pop corn 
they sped up the next section in every growing sunshine.
Lots of unanswered questions about this post, why this post, what's it for, what do they do with the money? The only definite answer was no you cannot have any.
A restful rock.
A thoughtful moment from RRMK2.
With increasing altitude the vista expanded, this is looking back towards Nant Peris.
The highest point the train now goes to, it stops 350 metres short of the summit height wise.

Looking the other way, on the cliffs above the lake there were two very unfortunate sheep balancing on a ledge. I spoke to a farmer when we got down giving the location of the poor wooly backs but their fate is sealed. Gravity or starvation will get them.
Ever onward.
This is the pint at which they are higher than they have ever climbed before. 900 metres. 
Almost the whole of the Llanberis trail can be seen here.
Keeeef having a happy moment.
Richard and Evie super happy.
Almost at the top we were hit by a sudden shower, by the time waterproof jackets were fitted the sun came back out. 
Posing with the summit in the background. 
Crib Goch, they will have to be a bit older before trying that route. 
Just about to summit face.
On the top, RRMK2 not so sure about how safe this all is.
Very happy face but what is in the socks?
The boys did it, the moment of pride and joy got mixed up with RRKK2s absolute panic over large flying insects where he had to be physically held to stop him running off in a blind panic. Instead of a victory pot noodle on the summit we descended back to the last rail station for a late lunch. Spirits began to rise. 
Older members of the group had a snooze.
The weather now started to close in so we hurried down.
Still enjoying the view.
But the main motivation was a second slush puppy. 
Amazing how happy a cold sugar rush makes them.
Almost home.
Everyone happy.

Back at the car
it was a quick drive to the souvenir shop where the boys got treated to more cold stuff on a stick and a sweatshirt each declaring their prowess at climbing 1085 metre summit of Wales. 
Back at base the heavens opened and a downpour of biblical proportions happened and a command decision was made, boys stay in the car while I pack the tent away, lets go home.
 In the sock? Eric and Ernie on their continuing adventure, the 4th summit for them I believe.

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