Monday 17 December 2018

A wheely big challenge

 Those who know yours truly may have kept up to date with his previous physical challenge fund raisers. The one planned for next year is something quite extraordinary (as if the previous ones were ordinary) and requires a new level of fitness as it involves not only getting my fat arse up and over the 3 highest peaks again but this time taking some lucky victim in a wheelchair along for the ride, push, pull and freewheel. 
 As there are limited hours of daylight and maximum time is spent looking after work projects, children, smallholding, animal welfare (the idea of cutting back took a major hit this week, more about that later in the week, pig club anyone?) and repairs thanks to the attention of critters, training such as there is takes place at odd hours and in no matter what weather.
 Which is why yours truly was out on his trusty steed, another new one (N+1=ideal bike number) in a hurricane and facing some testing road conditions. Yes it was also raining.
 Thanks to luck and some judgement I got through the training session unscathed, this is the face of joy at dismounting and finding sanctuary in HQ and a coffee.
Not so cheerful in the morning when it is discovered the naughty donkeys have altered the pristine paintwork on the workshop. Buggers have chewed the woodwork just above the bikes saddle if you look. 

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