Lets face it, after two wash out summers the first chance we get to sit in the sun we are taking it. However a quick rub over with five year old sun tan lotion left over from our honeymoon failed to defend my flabby white exterior from the relentless sun rays and this is why I am sat at the PC glowing like a Sellafield lobster. But it was worth it. Another fantastic joy to be alive day that has seen a steady procession of visitors enjoy the facilities of Rock HQ and even the discovery of the demise of the little gold cockerel failed to dampen the high spirits caused by the sunshine.

Several of our visitors were surprised to find a cow in the garden, they tried to be cool about it a but pointing and shouting "Oh my God did you know theres a cow in your garden" was a bit of a give away. Those that know us better were far from surprised to find we had a new lawnmower lay in the sunshine taking a bit of a breather. The day has been an almost non stop assault on calories with breakfast of poached eggs served on the lawn. I like mine on toast normally but the sunshine does funny things to people. By eleven we had elevenses with Jill, Tracey's lovely mum, this consisted of a selection of home made cakes, which just about kept us going to lunch which was a barbq of beef kebabs and various salads and more home baking. I almost passed out with hunger by dinner where were were treated to a gift of some special Swiss bread given to us by a very nice Swiss bakeress who called in to see the Berners. Thus fortified I now think I might last the night til breakfast.

The boys were turned out today on our field which has almost condescended to produce grass. They had a great day messing around and I have forgiven Apollo for kicking me up the jacksey as we walked towards the Cauldron. He was in a bit of a tiz as we had walked past his usual feeding place, the haylege bale, and thought I was going to make him work for his dinner, so he kicked me.
Up on the hill beautifully silhouetted was a fox, watching our every move. It knew we could see it. But it sat there until I got bored of watching and left it to whatever it was plotting.

This is all that's left of the cockerel that didn't see the fox coming.
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