Sunday 2 May 2010

All creatures great and small

You might wonder what is going on in the picture above. First glance could lead you to assume that Gold had been discovered by the spring in the garden, the shovels, pans and buckets do tend to support some sort of prospecting going on. The dessert spoon wielded by Paul is perhaps an indicator that precious metal is not the reason why four adults spent a fair proportion of the morning knelt by the pond.
It was because of these little creatures, photographed underwater by my all singing all dancing camera, bought with a take pictures underwater ability due to the high levels of rainfall in these parts. Anyway the thing does take a recognisable snap of tadpoles in their own backyard. It chucked down several inches of rain last night and result was a lawn covered with thousands of tadpoles washed out of the safety of the pond. There were small gangs of them clustered together in paw prints, swimming up and down the path and all were in dire straits facing death once the water level dropped or from being squished by huge dog feet. So Rock HQ human inhabitants armed with a collection of kitchen cutlery and sieves rescued them. Not all of them but several pounds in weight of them. I did wonder if they were edible, were we missing out on some embryonic amphibian omlette treat, or a baby frog jelly but common sense prevailed and the majority of little black wrigglers were returned to their more usual habitat.
Ben and Beth joined us for lunch and we had a huge tadpoless feast. After dinner Ben who very much considers himself a mans man got very interested in what I was doing shouting from the sofa "Hey Dad what are you doing?" Taking photographs was my reply. "What of?" he yelled back. The speed at which he left the sofa to join me in the kitchen was matched only by the speed of his disappointment. Perhaps these were not the sort of pictures of chicks and puppies he was thinking of.
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