Thursday 27 May 2010

Now thats a tasty sausage!

The paper trail has finally been followed to its conclusion, all the forms signed, T's crossed and I's dotted, the pigs have been tested for a disease never found in the UK, the trailers pressure washed, I have a clean hanky, the moon is in the ascendant, the sea weed is soft and there is a Y in the month which can only mean one thing. The pork has been passed for for human consumption and magically transformed into sausage. Most of yesterday and yesterday evening was spent bagging sausage, portioning mince, wrapping chops and moving various bits of previous pigs around in Mr Whirlpool to make room for the ginormous amount of meat now on the kitchen table. As is tradition while this process was going on several bits were frying in a pan on the rayburn by way of quality assurance. They passed the test. But sausage should not be eaten the day they are made, no, they have to mature a bit, let the flavours develop. So tonight I have mostly been eating sausage. As we have a number of sauces to accompany the humble banger I had to try quite a number to find the perfect sausage/sauce combo. Unfortunately I didn't keep tasting notes so will have to go through it all again tomorrow. Its trial, but I shall have to manage.
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