Monday, 4 November 2024

In my defence I was left unsupervised

The morning got off to an interesting start, especially for the fish as the K9s had once again redirected the pump pipe to drain rater than clean. In the nick of time yours truly who was actually foraging for fresh eggs spotted the impending demise of the fish and sorted the pipework and refilled the pond. 
Later I was feed the equines their fruit and veg when the dogs decided that they needed a veggie boost and started fishing carrots from their stalls
much to the annoyance of Rocco. 
The rest of the day was spent not on the exercise bike, or on the treadmill as thats not allowed due to broken elbow. Neither is attending a heavy metal gig even if you are suitably dressed in armoured motorbike leather jacket
which if you were able to get into and get to gig you wouldn't stand in the 3rd row from the front wondering why a Swedish man dressed like Lena Lovitch played the same song for 30 minutes while performing weird yoga stances, and each time he thanked you for listening to his insane warbling you hoped that that was the last sound he might make, ever. 
The main event was a band going since 1984, The Cult on the 8424 tour, who absolutely rocked, but as you were not there you wouldn't have got caught up in the inevitable mosh and had to explain  
to your beautiful and oh so patient wife when you got back at 1am why your elbow was stinging a bit more than it was the last time she saw me 36 hours previously.  Had she been here to supervise me then none of this would have happened. Maybe. 

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