Tuesday 21 November 2017

There's no-one quite like supergrandma

 After weeks of secret keeping the cat was finally about to be let out of the bag. Supergrandma was having her 70th birthday and unbeknownst to her it was about to happen at a very posh place as the muck and mud of Rock HQ was not quite fit for the type pf celebration planned.
 A lovely birthday tea party
 Naturally we all dressed suitably.
 And thanks to the extremely careful planning and not telling the apprentice or RRMK2 the real reason for the party the surprise was absolute!
 Here she is recovering from the surprise.
 Here is RRMK2 about to get amongst the sandwiches, which were amazing.
 Lots of lovely people to share the afternoon with, one day he might build his spitfire :)
 Guest of honour making a speech.
 The apprentice watching the video of his speech. All in all it was the best bit of a do ever and a fitting tribute to a wonderful lady who has helped us all at Rock HQ immeasurably.
Back at the ranch the tri pawed hussy was still in one piece!

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