Friday 19 February 2021

Loafing around

One of the joys of working from home is that you can do important stuff with the boys instead of report writing/reading/filing which is why we were experimenting with sound on our left over pipe 
and wading across the river 
instead of nodding off at my laptop.
The boys decided to go old school crossing wise instead of the luxury appointed bridge just to their right.
They then came up with a new game called Koalas which seems to be based on the fact that Koalas like sitting in trees.
Bored with that and its lack of a clear winner they set off 
to play save the world, a fun game where they have to beat a countdown whilst running to a designated post and pressing the top before the world explodes.
Even the dogs like this one .
On the way back home it was time to see if the communication tube had improved but no it still just sounded like farts.  

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