Tuesday 5 January 2016

Happy new year IT issues and weather

 With a lull in the rain, which has been virtually non stop for 40 days and 40 nights, and a sudden decrease in wind speed yours truly decided the new year could not get off to a better start than to get out on the roof of the stable and tackle on of the bigger jobs on the list.
 The stable roof has seen better days, the very smart onduline covering now sagging and holed and far from waterproof rendering the two rear rooms, med bay and the tack room, unusable. A very posh and hideously expensive box metal roof has been ordered, delivers and lay in wait ready for action. The weather on the other hand has been suited to building large wooden boats with enormous animal carrying capacity rather than roofing.
 Having evicted the frogs from the small ponds that had formed yours truly set about combining his two greatest fears into one exciting afternoon, these being falling and spiders.
 My beautiful and oh so patient wife was key to the success of the operation by providing endless tea, unlimited ooohs and ahhhs as yours truly wielded various tools in as manly a way as he could muster and basically provided the necessary emergency back up in case of probable self inflicted injuries and /or falling whilst escaping from a spider.
 In no time at all (read 5 hours) the wind picked up and the rain thundered down, but not before the whole of the two small rooms had been waterproofed. This achieved with no self harm incidents (I did suffer one big cut after MBAOSPW enthusiastically shoved a large chunk of sheet metal my way) and the spiders keeping a respectful distance, the threat of mutually assured destruction (large orange hammer with rubber grip) should they make any advances clearly working.
Back indoors, more pleasant tasks, such as clearing up after 9 puppies resident in the kitchen!

IT issues, rain, means no internet connection. Means no photos when we do get one, hence delay in posting.

But happy new year anyway, on day 5 of it :)

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