Saturday 11 March 2023

Not having the means for an electronic slidey gate thing yours truly cobbled together a gate holder which 
allows us to keep the longer than necessary gate and slide it back and forward keeping Pronto seperate from the wilderness.
Spotty2 was work supervisor today
and made a great job of it 
with absolutely no lying around on job.
My mate Dave did the scary stuff

Noises from stage left led to the discovery that Pronto had tried to put a new door in the side of his stable. Git.
I consoled myself with a game of spacehulk and was all set to desroy the apprentice, nothing could stop me 
unless of course I rolled a triple 1 on the dice causing a catastrophic explosion in the assault cannon killing both space marines needed to complete the mission. 
Back indoors I continued work on non exploding varieties. 

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