Friday 3 March 2023

Get your 5 a day

The latest from the cretins   Tory party, as Brexit has everything nothing to do with the food shortages and empty shelves (lack of dog food is one thats not made the news yet, but it is an issue believe me) we should all forget the times when food was plentiful and instead chow down on Turnips. Yes folks, instead of tomatoes on your cheese sandwich try a nice slice of root vegetable that is also not for sale in the shops as they lie rotting in fields as there are no workers to harvest them, and those that are are given to animals.
Mrs Bear has stopped being sick and has rallied so fingers crossed she will be ok.
Here is a pic from 9 years ago!! Rocky and Mr Bear and a very young Tristan, hes grown since then, me? I have not changed a bit... ahem. 

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