Friday 16 June 2023

Holiday home

The technohermit vacated his lair many many moons ago
due to ill health social services moved him to a flat in town. Hes happy enough there 
but regularly returns to his former residence of 50 plus years
despite its ramshackle state and lack of comfort and waterproofness. 
It might surprise you to know that this is now classed by the local authority as a second residence 
and so the Technohermit currently paying 
400 pounds a month in council tax
for this luxury abode. 
This is in a sorry state and 
in no way fit for habitation 
even the modern extension isn't weatherproof 
and is clearly not a permanent address.
So we are taking on the powers that be and appealing and who knows we might get him a tidy refund. 

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